“庭院就是一座庭院,它可以像书一样被阅读,观者看到它有直击人心的效果。” —《纽约时报》
“A courtyard is a courtyard, which can be read like a book, and hit the heart of its visitor. ”
— New York Times
“开阔花园、优雅装饰,气息经典的上海一角。” —《Wallpaper*》
“Elegantly decorated and located in a sumptuous garden, this is a corner of Shanghai that exudes class rather than clich..”—Wallpaper*
“时光彷佛穿越真实回到了三十年代,雍福会给你了解旧时上海豪门的奢华生活。” —《华尔街 日报亚洲版》
“Time flies back to the 1930s to learn about the luxury life in Shanghai at YongFoo Élite.”— Wall Street Journal Asia
BBC, ELLE Greece, France 3, NBC, NHK, etc
《时尚芭莎》,《时尚新娘》,《时尚Cosmopolitan》, 《ELLE世界时装之苑》,《时尚先生》,《红秀》,《Nowness现在》,《倍耐力年历》,《Vouge服饰与美容》,《Vouge巴黎版》, 《卷宗Wallpaper》
§ BAZZAR, Cosmo Bride, Cosmopolitan, ELLE, Esquire, GRAZIA, Nowness, Pierre Calendar, Vogue China, Vogue Paris, Wallpaper* China

最佳设计俱乐部 by《Wallpaper*》2004年
“Best Design Club” Runner-up by Wallpaper* in 2004
最具文化特质餐厅 by 《ELLE DECORATION 家居廊》2010年
“Best Cultural Restaurant” by ELLE DECORATION in 2010
最佳俱乐部酒单 by 中国侍酒师协会 2014/2015年
“Best Club Wine List” by China Sommelier Association in 2014/2015
米其林二星餐厅 by 《米其林指南》自2016年
“Two Star Restaurant” by Michelin Guide since 2016
最佳音乐场地 by Timeout 2018年
“Music Venue of the Year” by Timeout in 2018
年度餐厅 by Timeout 2019年
“Restaurant of the Year” by Timeout in 2019
年度酒单 by 亚洲葡萄酒学会 2019年
“Wine List of the Year” by Asia Wine Institute in 2019
年度餐厅 by《橄榄画报》2020年
“Restaurant of the Year” by Ganlanhuabao in 2019
“2020 German Riesling Weeks Best Wine List” by German Wine Institute in 2020